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Hair is a woman’s crown, a beautiful crown will be obtained when the hair care is right. But often having beautiful hair is hampered by hair problems that are annoying and reduce self-confidence. Check out some hair problems that women often experience and find out the solution so that your crown remains beautiful.


1. Limp and Oily Hair

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You probably already know that keeping your hair moisturized is a way to keep it healthy. However, hair that is too moist will make it limp. Other causes are dust and pollution, shampooing that is not clean enough, choosing the wrong products, or using dirty hair tools. Always try to protect your hair from dust and pollution, clean hair tools that are often used, and make sure to choose the right products.

2. Hair Loss

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Seeing hair falling out is indeed unpleasant. Especially if it falls out in large amounts. To overcome it, you need to find out the cause. Causes of hair loss can be due to genetic factors, hormonal fluctuations and changes, stress and pressure, use of drugs, or malnutrition. Try to eat a balanced nutritious diet and manage your stress better. In addition, you can try external treatments, such as using natural hair masks at home. But when your hair loss is severe enough to cause bald spots or thinning hair, you should consult a doctor because there may be a health condition that you are not aware of.

3. Dry Hair

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For some people, having dry hair can reduce self-confidence because it is quite disturbing to their appearance. The causes of dry hair can be caused by various things, for example due to the use of the wrong care products. The most common cause is the use of shampoo with sulfate content which tends to make hair dry. Especially for those of you who have curly hair, it is better to avoid sulfate content in shampoo to prevent your hair from getting drier. Other causes can also be due to exposure to sunlight and pollution. Try to keep your hair protected when going out. In addition to using physical protection such as umbrellas or hats, you can also apply hair vitamins that can provide extra protection for your hair. Don’t forget to use hair oil or a hair mask to help overcome your dry hair.

Read also: Best Solution for Dry Frizzy Curly Hair

4. Dry Scalp

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A dry scalp can cause uncomfortable symptoms, such as itching. Although similar at first glance, dry scalp is different from dandruff. A dry scalp will cause fine, small white flakes, while dandruff flakes will be larger and caused by a dirty, limp, or oily scalp. There are various causes of dry scalp, including sulfate content in shampoo, shampooing too often, dehydration, and using products with chemicals that are too harsh. To overcome this, you can try to look back at the products you are currently using, consider replacing products that provide moisture and maintain a healthy scalp. You also need to do internal care by consuming enough water and nutritious food.

Read also: 11 Ways to Care for Your Scalp for Healthy Hair

5. Dandruff Hair

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If previously we discussed dry scalp, now we will discuss dandruff. Characterized by larger flakes than dry scalp, dandruff is triggered by a dirty and oily scalp, becoming a place for malassezia (a type of fungus) to grow. Other causes of dandruff can also be due to the use of unsuitable care products, less than clean shampoo, and unhealthy eating patterns. Because food directly affects our bodies, it is better for you to start paying attention to your daily nutritional intake. Use hair products with natural ingredients, then make sure to wash your head until there is no shampoo or conditioner left.

6. Itchy Scalp

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Itchy scalp needs to be known the cause first before deciding on the right treatment. Itchy scalp can be caused by cold temperatures and dry scalp, or it can be because the scalp has dandruff. But if the itching is caused by lice, or the scalp feels sore and has red spots, you should consult a doctor so that you can get the right treatment.

7. Thin Hair

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Beautiful and healthy voluminous hair is every woman’s dream. Don’t be discouraged if you have thin hair. Thin hair can occur due to various factors, such as genetic factors or long-term hair loss. If the cause is hair loss, then you can do the treatment as mentioned in the previous point. However, if the cause is genetic factors, do additional treatments such as using aloe vera and olive oil masks to stimulate hair growth. In addition, you can also outsmart it by choosing the right haircut model so that your hair looks voluminous.

Read also: 13 Ways to Add Volume to Thin Hair

8. Fragile and easily broken

Well, this hair problem is most often faced by long-haired owners. Especially if you like to use hair tools such as hair dryers and hair straighteners. Other causes are due to diet, stress, and hypothyroidism, which is the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormone which plays a role in hair growth. It’s time for you to exercise more regularly, manage stress, regulate your diet with balanced nutrition, and consult a doctor if you have a hormonal disorder.

9. Hair Loss

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Hair thinning or hair loss occurs due to severe hair loss that lasts a long time. Severe hair loss can be caused by illness, emotional trauma, protein deficiency, hormonal changes, pregnancy, puberty, menopause, thyroid disorders, or anemia. If you experience abnormal hair loss, you should immediately find out the cause so that thinning can be prevented. However, if you have already experienced thinning, don’t worry and continue to live a healthy lifestyle. Maintain a balanced diet, meet your daily protein intake, do external treatments with natural ingredients. If you feel that thinning is quite severe, consult a specialist doctor.

10. Gray Hair

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Having gray hair is unavoidable because as we age, hair melanin production will continue to decrease. But what if your hair has turned gray before the age of 30? The cause is generally genetic, besides that you may be suffering from certain health conditions. To find out for sure, of course you need to do further examination. If you want to slow down the process of gray hair, continue to live a healthy lifestyle, pay attention to your intake of vitamin B12, omega 3, and vitamin D. Also avoid cigarettes which can cause premature aging.

11. Dull Hair

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Just like dry hair, dull hair also makes the appearance of hair unsightly. Of course, far from the dream of having a beautiful, healthy and voluminous crown. The easiest way to overcome dull hair is to drink enough water so that the hair is well hydrated, reduce the use of excessive hair styling tools that can cause dryness and dullness, and protect the head from sunlight and pollution. Dull hair can also be caused by split ends, so don’t hesitate to trim the ends of your hair regularly. As additional care, also use hair vitamins or natural oils for hair.

12. Split Ends

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There are many reasons why hair ends become split. The ends of the hair are the ‘oldest’ part of the hair and the part that is most often exposed to friction. As a result, the ends of the hair become more easily ‘torn’. Some things that also cause split ends are the use of chemicals in the process of coloring hair, curling, or straightening hair. In addition, other causes of split ends are due to frequent use of hair dryers and hair straighteners. If you have long hair, your hair will be more prone to dryness and split ends. This is because the nutrients obtained from the hair roots do not reach the ends of the hair. To prevent split ends, use vitamins or moisturizers to the ends of the hair. If the number of split ends is too much and makes the hair look dry, it is better to just cut the damaged ends. Also reduce the use of excessive hair styling tools. In addition to causing dry and split ends, these tools that produce heat will make hair fall out easily due to breakage.

13. Premature baldness

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Excessive hair loss that causes baldness is also called alopecia. This condition certainly lowers a person’s self-confidence. Alopecia can be caused by excessive chemicals, genetic factors, or having health problems. If you are under 30 years old and have experienced signs of baldness that are not due to genetic factors, you should see a doctor. To prevent premature baldness, you should not tie your hair too tightly, be wiser in choosing hair products with natural ingredients, and let your hair grow with its original color and texture. So, which hair problems are you still facing? Hopefully, tips from ModernCurly can help you overcome hair problems, yes. Don’t get tired and always be disciplined in doing hair care for a more beautiful crown!

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